「If you have focus in the textbox and hit enter, the form will be submitted automatically. This behavior is consistent across all browsers and is known as implicit submission.」
「If you have focus in the textbox and hit enter, the form will be submitted automatically. This behavior is consistent across all browsers and is known as implicit submission.」
去年近底時,參加的社群舉辦活動,因為人手不足的關係,去協助製作活動網站,畫面是我們可愛的設計師 Nina 設計的~
( Nina很專業又認真,設計圖其實很細緻,只是社群幾個工程師都沒什麼美感主要是我又時間不足, 今年如果還有參加活動期望能把美美的設計圖還原出來 )